Procurei em silêncio toda a noite. Ao amanhecer desisti. Já não tinha nos pés cor nenhuma e os meus sonhos já não eram um tapete voador...eram mortos vivos deambulando por caminhos em que nunca andei.
8 horas...Desligas a luz? Não há calor para além do teu abraço!

I searched in silence all night. To the dawn I gave up. My feet lost all the colour and my dreams were no flying carpet… they were dead livings creatures rambling for ways where I walked.
8 hours… You disconnect the light? There’s no heat beyond your hug!

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"If happy times are too few and far between
It's a pity dear, we can't erase the things we've seen
So disappear, vanish if you wish
Just go before you're swallowed up by bitterness!"
( handsomeboymodelingschool/Moloko)