É numa cave fria que guardo essses 5 anos. Em estantes e caixas sem fim, Desfiz-me da chave…a mágoa era muito grande para lidar já com ela.
Um dia arrumo a casa. Até lá…tenho fantasmas a rondar o meu sono mas não me perco em labirintos.

I keep those 5 years in a cold basement, in Bookshelf’s and drawers with no end, I've hidden the key...the hurt is too big to deal with it now.
One day I'll arrange my house till then I'll have ghosts rounding my sleep but I don’t get lost in labyrinths.

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"If happy times are too few and far between
It's a pity dear, we can't erase the things we've seen
So disappear, vanish if you wish
Just go before you're swallowed up by bitterness!"
( handsomeboymodelingschool/Moloko)