Acabei o capítulo. Fechei o teu livro…não vou lê-lo nunca mais.
Li páginas e páginas de ti, e nem sequer estavas lá.
Vou escrever um novo livro só meu…sem mentiras, sem espaços em branco.

I'm gone

I've finished the chapter. I've Closed the book...wont read it anymore.
I red pages and pages of you and you weren't even there
I'll write a new book. With no lies and no empty spaces.

Sem comentários:

"If happy times are too few and far between
It's a pity dear, we can't erase the things we've seen
So disappear, vanish if you wish
Just go before you're swallowed up by bitterness!"
( handsomeboymodelingschool/Moloko)